Call me crazy, but I loved summer football conditioning. A lot of players hated those workouts back at the University of Georgia, but I couldn’t wait to grab those weights and get stronger. I could hold my own on the bench press, but I especially liked the leg workouts. I knew a strong base was key to success on the football field.
I also learned another lesson while at UGA. A strong base can be key to building flourishing relationships, too. I met my wife in college, and those early days were pivotal for us. They weren’t always smooth. We definitely fought a lot when we were first dating (we still do, 20 years later!), but we always found a way to get through it. Our base has been strong. How we handled those early days helped mold us into who we are today. Maybe the same is true for you. If you are doubting your relationship, or wondering how to get through a rough patch, trust the foundation you built early on. Here are 5 times to remember the early days of your relationship.