
“Last Halloween, during his work day, my husband drove himself to the ER because of chest pains. I was grateful he called me after he arrived safely, or I probably would’ve had a heart attack myself. Being at the hospital with him for those 24 hours made me forget about the list of things I needed him to do around the house and the little quirks that get under my skin.

Since then, those little things have popped back up, and I’m sure he has a list going for me, too. But I’m trying to make a new list. This one has reasons I’m thankful for my husband. It’s not an actual list in print but a running one in my head that helps me be kinder and more appreciative. Dwelling on those things instead of the negative is healthier for my marriage and my own mental health. If you want to get on board and you’re having a hard time thinking of the positive things about your husband, look at our list of 99 things you might be thankful for.


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