
In 2015, my alma mater, the University of Florida, conducted a study about human interaction. The study found that people who encountered rude behavior at work were often quick to respond rudely back. That’s because many behaviors are contagious. Knowing this, what if we committed to modeling positive behaviors in our relationships instead of negative ones? How could that motivate others?

The perfect place to start is with our marriages. What if your relationship with your spouse were so encouraging, so inspiring, that it spurred people around you to improve their own relationships? This isn’t about trying to build the perfect marriage, but it is an idea for how to improve your marriage and, through it, the marriages around you. It’s about treating each other so well that others will want to copy what blesses your marriage. It doesn’t require monumental shifts. Just a few small things can get you motivating others today. Here are 3 moves that build an inspiring marriage.


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