Around 130 miles southwest of Kabul, Afghanistan lies the small village of Sabray. In late June of 2005 one of the villagers named Mohammed Gulab, a husband and father, went on a patrol of one of the surrounding mountains. Over several days the people of Sabray were hearing intense warfare between the U.S. military and Taliban forces. In terms of the war, the village was split. Many in the small community had relatives fighting with the Taliban, while others hated Taliban brutality and hoped the United States would prevail. Gulab had issues with either side as he roamed the mountains with his AK-47 that day. Then he made a discovery that would change his life. He and the two men he was with came across a badly injured Navy Seal. He was shot twice, had shrapnel wounds throughout his legs, had suffered several broken vertebrae in his back, and was dying of thirst. He had to make a decision. Should he help the American or not? Gulab decided to help the soldier, whose name was Marcus Luttrell. His story was told in the book turned movie Lone Survivor.