I recently had an opportunity to speak at the Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and my topic was on “Man’s Greatest Challenge.” I told a group of about 500 men that man’s greatest challenge is deciding every day the type of man he’s going to be. [Tweet This]
Without exception, I believe every man has five options. I know, because unfortunately, I’ve been all five types. And each type of man has an impact on the type of husband, father, and leader he will be. So what are those five types of men, and which one are you?
1. The Whiner:
This is the man who gets up most mornings and chooses to be paralyzed by his past. He finds it difficult to move forward in life because he’s constantly looking backward. He chooses to blame his present struggles on his past problems. The result is that he becomes what I call a “Why Baby.” He asks questions like:
- Why did that happen to me?
- Why didn’t that happen for me?
- Why him (or them) and why not me?